See the Difference

The Advantages
of the Seated Position
Over the Recumbent Position

The Seated position offers clearer visualization and improved access to the lower cervical and the thoracic spine for fluoroscopy guided procedures. It facilitates visualization of the lower cervical segments as gravity naturally assists by pushing the shoulders down. The upright position allows for greater extension and flexion of the cervical region. The seated position also increases mobility of the thoracic spine thus easing fluoroscopy of the thoracic intralaminar spaces and facilitating access to the thoracic epidural spaces. The sitting position is optimal for many patients unable to tolerate recumbent position due to severe pain in the lumbar spine. For patients with severe breathing conditions (COPD, CHF, and asthma), wheelchair dependant or morbidly obese, the sitting position is often the only solution for spinal procedures whether lumbar, thoracic or cervical.